Guest book

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28.08.2021 07:09 Guest
how heal negative effect of creatine, -2 strength all game
BrainRipper, answer to: Guest
The previous page says.
16.08.2021 05:26 Guest
Wow, it's sudden and great to see people still playing. Please tell me, maybe someone added to the game the function of respawning enemies? After a complete passage, there is absolutely nothing to do, and this is depressing.
NeiroN, answer to: Guest
Hardly anyone did. I appreciated the amount of code - to make dynamic quests - long and dreary. I have no desire to do this.
Guest, answer to: NeiroN
This is strange because even in the most ancient games there is a function of reviving opponents. It is a pity that the developers released a raw game, and due to its unpopularity, there are no mods for it. On the replay of the same AtomRPG, neither I nor my friends had enough interest, and the fall was something that strongly hooked
22.07.2021 06:15 Guest
Hello, tell me, with an intelligence of 20, a brain implant becomes useless or distribution points will give more than 14?
22.07.2021 05:30 Guest
Hello, tell me, with an intelligence of 20 units, a brain implant becomes useless, or will distribution points give more than 14? The same applies to bonuses from armor, if strength and stamina are already 20, will there be an effect?
BrainRipper, answer to: Guest
Yes, with intelligence and stamina more than 20, the increase in points / health will be greater.
30.06.2021 03:49 Guest
Please tell me what to do with the shipment. Opened the Safe and got poisoned, what to do, how to get rid
NeiroN, answer to: Guest
Use "Antidote", Craft "Dyagel" and "Waterskin"
Development by Sergey A.Zhukov 2007-2012