Guest book

04.04.2010 12:54 Guest
how to open the territory of the monks of the desert?
04.04.2010 11:37 Guest
generally enter through the console and it is useless, nothing comes out. mod my 7.4 like must go
04.04.2010 11:28 Guest
Iu0026#39;m sorry, but the programming is not whisking not say in what file the code is to prescribe?
04.04.2010 10:04 Guest
04.04.2010 01:33 Guest
Yes code I did it ...
04.04.2010 12:48 Guest
so another question, when scoring base reskulov saw that there ran a Persian u0026quot;den u0026quot; to speak with him could not, and can not find it on the map, no one knows why there is this character?
04.04.2010 12:45 Guest
in general about the purified alcohol and manufacturer of laces though, recently checked and I made a small backpack, but the sense from him no, when you open it, it shows the inside of all the things you have in your inventory and not worn by the character. but as a code to make this battery penlight?
03.04.2010 10:18 Guest
about the laces do not know, but about alcohol getting somewhere .... saw the forum on kakomto ..
03.04.2010 10:16 Guest
Penlight batteries, I did code on objects - the system is obtained by the implant gives +2 Intellect ... but on the other characteristics there is a thread? Yes there is need, u0026quot;pill u0026quot; ... I think if you ask for it you can find a vendor ...
03.04.2010 08:49 Guest
By the way, where to get the penlight batteries for the brain implant? and then the usual battery does not fit.
Development by Sergey A.Zhukov 2007-2012