hello Sergey what is the console command...how do I active it? work with it?
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to:
Guest first create a mercenary command :
system.create_character (id = 'CLONE1', gender = 'female', party = 'UISPIELER', x = 300 , y = 300 , name = globaltext.NAME_CARMEN, resourceui = 'ira.png')
And then use these commands as listed
FloatWave, answer to:
Guest No Sergey you dont understand him xD. Guest, you must press [F11] then you can write some console commmand and [Enter] ;)
Sergey look we must make a "Guide to console - Cheating" ;)
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to:
FloatWave Well, maybe later :)
Guest, answer to:
Sergey A. Zhukov console command
I'm kinda noob in this
what is it?
is it a program?
or is it something else?
I'm not following you quite well
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to:
Guest Console - is a window into the game, which opens the key F11. In this window, you can write anything on the programming language Python. Also available are special commands , which we wrote here .
O.O Sergey you are "Console God of The Fall" And can you spawn mercenaryes? For example army of Carmens :D
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to:
FloatWave Add a mercenary is not a problem . But add it up a little , we must also register his features , skin color, height , experience, skills, etc. I can write it all , but is it worth ? :)
Just add a mercenary :
system.create_character (id = 'CODE', gender = 'female', party = 'UISPIELER', x = 300 , y = 300 , name = globaltext.NAME_CARMEN, resourceui = 'ira.png')
CODE - as always, any unique identifier
gender - gender (male / female)
name - any name , which will be named character , for example : 'Carmen'. The example uses a constant with the name of the game .
resourceui - file name of the image that will be displayed in the interface of the game as a portrait of a mercenary
Once created, it is necessary to put down the character parameters command:
objects.set_attribute ('CODE', 'PARAM', VALUE)
Where CODE - id created the character.
PARAM - parameter name
VALUE - the value
For example, to set the character's experience :
objects.set_attribute ('CARMEN_1', 'experience', 1000)
Droege options :
skin - skin color (white / black)
clothes_gloves - outerwear (for example : 'SET_NORMAL_CLOTHES_1')
clothes_boots - Shoes are usually one meaning : 'naked'
And the skills of your character :
FloatWave, answer to:
Sergey A. Zhukov Hm... I wrote:
system.create_character (id = 'CLONE1', gender = 'male', party = 'UISPIELER', x = 308 , y = 259 , name = 'Clone', resourceui = 'ira.png')
It made bolnd hair guy. Then I tested 'female' and it made same guy again. And what is full command to change 'skin', 'clothes_gloves' or 'clothes_boots'.
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to:
FloatWave Try to change the floor through the command:
objects.set_attribute ('CLONE1', 'gender', 'female')
Skin color changing commands:
objects.set_attribute ('CLONE1', 'skin', 'black')
Clothes can be changed using :
objects.set_attribute ('CLONE1', 'clothes_gloves', 'SET_NORMAL_CLOTHES_3')