Guest book

Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
Yes, apparently the game does come out. However, judging by the video, she has lost the spirit of The Fall and first became more like a quest, rather than on a real time strategy. I hope very much that I was mistaken. We can only wait for its appearance in Russia.
02.12.2011 08:33 Guest
30.11.2011 07:25 Guest
I see. I am not familiar with Teleport Pro, but I am used to HTTrack (, and also it is available on my platform (Linux). But I do not want to do so without permission, 'cause it may cost you bandwidth. So, since it is okay, many thanks to you. I'll do it later. Really appreciate that :-D
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
Everything is normal. The site does not so attend, that you strongly influenced his work, when you create a copy. And you have permission:)
29.11.2011 04:49 Guest
Hi there, I am curious is there an offline version for all the maps to be downloaded, 'cause I am unable to be online to check this site all the time. Thanks.
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
No, unfortunately. But you can make a copy of the site, such as program Teleport Pro or similar.
28.11.2011 08:45 Guest
Fall: Mutant City What happened extension?
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
No, and will not work. The company - the developer no longer exists.
24.11.2011 05:30 Guest
Hi there. I have a problem with mission in casa verde - a drug lab. While killing skulls inside, that schoolbus gate closed and I couldnt exit. Only map travelling helps. But now after helping scientists family I cant get inside again and talk to those guys. Btw. I had to use that zone_4 bla bla command in console to avoid drug car bug.
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
Hi! Open the console (F11) and enter the command:


Bus to leave and the path is clear:)
Development by Sergey A.Zhukov 2007-2012