Guest book

Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
I do not know how you describe the combination also necessary to specify the function to remove the ingredients from the inventory and put the finished product. For your example should make two changes, the first in the file adding at the end of the file function, for example:

def assemble_gas_bomb (character_id, items, item):
for act_item in items:
objects.remove_item_from_inventory (character_id, act_item)
objects.create_item_in_inventory (character_id, item)
return True

It is important to take into account the margins!
Then file, after describing the gas bomb add the line:

objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "item_combination", value = {
"Difficulty_assemble": COMBO_EVERYBODY,
"Assemble_function": "assemble_gas_bomb",
"Combination_list": [['SET_GAS_CANISTER', 'SET_LIGHTER']]})
Dmitriy, answer to: Sergey A. Zhukov
Sergey and who was responsible, thanks for all the answers. Everything is clear, I will try.
Guest, answer to: Dmitriy
Petrol bomb inoperable. The point?
Dmitriy, answer to: Guest
it can be modified, and it works in a script file weapons, zamenyaesh

create_throw_object_type (typeid = 'SET_GAS_BOMB')
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "name", value = globaltext.SET_GAS_BOMB_NAME)
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "hint", value = globaltext.SET_GAS_BOMB_HINT)
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "resourceui", value = 'RES_ITEM65X32_WEAPON_GAS_BOMB')
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "resource3d", value = 'RES3D_GAS_BOMB')
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "value", value = 3.00)
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "weight", value = 1.00)
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "stacking", value = 5)
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "minimale_feuerreichweite", value = 7)
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "maximale_feuerreichweite", value = 15)
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "salvenlaenge", value = 1)
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "feuergeschwindigkeit", value = 40.00)
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "kampfwert_air", value = 15.00)
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "kampfwert_armoured", value = 100.00)
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "kampfwert_infantry", value = 100.00)
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "munitionsarten", value = ['SET_GAS_BOMB_PSEUDOAMMO'])
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "fire_animation", value = FPA_THROW_GRENADE)
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "weapon_type", value = "wurf")
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "magazingroesse", value = 1.0)
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "hoerweite", value = 0.0)
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "schusspausenzeit", value = 1.5)
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "genauigkeit_bewegte_ziele", value = 0.4)
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "occupied_slots", value = ["throw"])
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "combine_xp", value = 25)
objects.set_attribute (object = 'SET_GAS_BOMB', attribute = "item_combination", value = {
"Difficulty_assemble": COMBO_EVERYBODY,
# "Skill": "explosives",
"Assemble_function": "assemble_explosives",
        "Combination_list": [
27.05.2015 12:50 Guest
Riding in cars are cool.
It is a pity that the helicopter is not !!!
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
Developers simply do not have time to add a helicopter did not have enough budget. Helicopter is well implemented in their previous game - Soldiers of Anarchy, which I also liked. It is implemented and the firing of the equipment.
25.05.2015 11:35 Guest
People! Who can tell how to use the backpack, and how to repair the car?
Guest, answer to: Guest
Use a backpack described in the manual mode to Derfflinger (folder patch).

To repair the car, you need a driver with the talent "car repair". To approach the car, hold her right mouse button and select the icon with a wrench
15.05.2015 04:32 Guest
The game is not implemented. That did not stop me to name his squad "Sword"
15.05.2015 04:14 Guest
What do you think illogical in the game?
Development by Sergey A.Zhukov 2007-2012