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20.06.2008 08:12 Guest
Here are some infa Transport: 1. Hummer (6 persons), New Sefford, right from the port. 2. Pickup (6 persons), 1), Casa Verde, narkotseh 2) Spiritsprings, base retskulov 3. BMP (6 persons), Vesseltaun at the bottom of the descent after a crane on the left. 4. Buggy (6 persons), Base of the shadows, at the very base.
20.06.2008 10:42 Guest
Many thanks to the author for the site! Question - is it possible to make a standalone version of the database, you can download and use on a machine without Internet access? (At the time of the toy JaggedAliance2 created a standalone virtual map)
19.06.2008 01:19 Guest
Super site! nothing of the sort not seen ... Can someone tell ... In the biosphere all killed, like all made ... Crank came to a time machine ... and then what to do? or who does not want to talk ...
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
Um, sorry, do not prompt, not by himself to the biosphere. It is hoped visitors to the site, or to seek other sources
17.06.2008 11:23 Guest
Author full credit! PS If there was still great, if I posted Old Transport and their whereabouts.
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
No question! Took note of ...
21.05.2008 12:40 Guest
Excellent site, the author - well done!
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
Thank you for trying:)
15.05.2008 12:10 Guest
Campaign could not be cured. My doctor is fully developed, can not cure the main character, and he is not treated. Sorry, lost 2 points of strength (((
05.05.2008 04:29 Guest
Famously designed the site, well done! Can help me? I do not know how to get rid of drug addiction, tried 1 times creatine max, and after his description of the force dropped to -2, and it seems, is not going to recover! What to do? How to get rid of the addiction??
Development by Sergey A.Zhukov 2007-2012