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Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: xKONARx
As I understand it, then the idea is not reached. Technically, I doubt that will happen.
xKONARx, answer to: Sergey A. Zhukov
clear, I think that it is possible for example like in GTA separately multi player to create one to remeasure as the additional program
04.10.2017 03:38 BrainRipper
For the Polish version here
21.09.2017 04:56 BrainRipper
New version!
Derfflinger patch/mod 7.4 (with corrections from BrainRipper and half-integer), adapted for the Czech version of the game. Now error correction of the translation of the game from FloatWave
Guest, answer to: BrainRipper
indian pharmacy
08.09.2017 11:08 FloatWave
In DF mod, how do you get items to create backpack?
And how could I make mod/patch fixing some typos in czech version? I found with texts and fixed them how do I make it into a installable patch?
BrainRipper, answer to: FloatWave
Click mouse wheel (middle-click) on each of the three images on the left.

2. File in the folder scripts/globaltext/czech, which appears after you install my patch.
I recommend you to edit Notepad++ or AkelPad.
FloatWave, answer to: BrainRipper
OK, thank you and how do I get a "Big Bag" ?
And would you want to add my typos fix into your czech DF patch?
BrainRipper, answer to: FloatWave
1. Great bag even with the patch DF is not in the game. You can get it through the console by pressing F11 and entering the following command:

Notice that bags and backpacks break the game balance, because actually they have no limit on the total weight of the contents. For example, in a small backpack you can put 50 packs of cartridges.

2. You can, of course. Provide your own version
FloatWave, answer to: BrainRipper
Czech Readme.txt for DF, czech for DF, fixed here:
Development by Sergey A.Zhukov 2007-2012