Guest book

Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
Developers simply do not have time to add a helicopter did not have enough budget. Helicopter is well implemented in their previous game - Soldiers of Anarchy, which I also liked. It is implemented and the firing of the equipment.
25.05.2015 11:35 Guest
People! Who can tell how to use the backpack, and how to repair the car?
Guest, answer to: Guest
Use a backpack described in the manual mode to Derfflinger (folder patch).

To repair the car, you need a driver with the talent "car repair". To approach the car, hold her right mouse button and select the icon with a wrench
15.05.2015 04:32 Guest
The game is not implemented. That did not stop me to name his squad "Sword"
15.05.2015 04:14 Guest
What do you think illogical in the game?
15.05.2015 04:05 Guest
Your choices about Wesley feniksa.Pochemu you did so?
would you do differently?
Guest, answer to: Guest
In the first pass, I Phoenix, Wesley retskulov from the armory, the head of the sect, the gunner in the Labyrinth, and so on. Let go. It was interesting, meeting them again or not.
In the second, on the contrary, I will be all wet.
14.05.2015 10:49 Guest
14.05.2015 10:44 Guest
you call your party?
motto in your party?
Guest, answer to: Guest
Is detachment can somehow be called in the game?
Development by Sergey A.Zhukov 2007-2012