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10.07.2020 03:58 BrainRipper
Site error: specified that the inventory slots in the transport only when you set the patch/fashion Derfflinger 7.4, although in fact they are in the original/vanilla game, i.e. without Derfflinger.
09.07.2020 08:57 BrainRipper
1. Refused min Now children give grenades.
2. Four.
3. Does not appear. You can only perform the outstanding secondary quests.
Guest, answer to: BrainRipper
And, by the way. About the transport. Out of the 5 machines. Hammer in the Village of Bowie. Jeep Retskulov Casa Verde (orange). Jeep Retskulov in Spiritsprings (black). Tank in Vesseltaune. Buggy at the Base of Shadows.
The map presented here on the website jeep Casa Verde is not specified as the transport. Although I have it running, everything is fine. Immediately began is true, but on the second or third visit to the location, the car, my Hummer, bug threw in a meth lab, and my party members appeared in the house of Laila, and I had to go and pick up the hammer with the drug lab. And so I noticed that the jeep, one in which Rutskoy go, and on which is mounted a wire, also operates as a transport.
Guest, answer to: Guest
PS Or this feature was added to the mod but not included in the original game? I have the default defender and freedom are just. Maybe because of them?
BrainRipper, answer to: Guest
1. I forgot that jeeps two. Yes, cars only 5.

2. No, always been so. Derfflinger only took the trunk with a blue pickup truck (judging by the comments on the forum, he wanted to confiscate the orange truck, but confused). I brought the trunk back.

My patch downloaded?
Guest, answer to: BrainRipper
No, I torrent took repak from SxSl. Apparently everything was already installed.
BrainRipper, answer to: Guest
On torrent my patch no.

So the link
09.07.2020 03:21 Guest
There are still some questions, ask them in one message to not flood.
1) when In Copperhill quest children. Kill Ryskulov. And the idea of getting mines. Where those mines then? We are talking about some crates, but those crates are just grenades. Looked everywhere, eventually scored and went further in the story. I understand the developers simply abandoned mines or that I have some bug?
2) How many vehicles in the game? 4?
3) does something after endgame? Well, new quests are there and everything like that? Just at the end they say something about new dangers in the wastes, but when I was did not check. And now I wonder. Or is it some kind of hint for the second part?
09.07.2020 01:46 Guest
How to get into the ruined village? I remember that last passage, about 2 years ago found the NPC who found out about this village, has now decided to pereproyti and completely forgot what NPS. And obbegat all locations in search of the very, very dreary. If you can tell at what location is the NPC, his name and where about. Thanks in advance.
BrainRipper, answer to: Guest
Zahar in Spiritsprings.
Development by Sergey A.Zhukov 2007-2012