Guest book

Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: dedoweb
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions! Unfortunately, I do not have a lot of free time to take content of the site. So I can not add anything to the site in the near future. Sorry!
06.10.2013 05:39 dedoweb
hello! great job!! i play this game for 3 days and im already in love!!! im italian can't understad german and not even russian. Played with german vers. with eng patch but i want to try the derfflinger and freedom patchs... my question is... can i add the english patch to the the russian version???
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: dedoweb
Unfortunately, mod Derflinger'a installed only on the Russian version of the game. However, you can install the Russian game and then install a mod Derflinger'a, and then replace the files on the English language. I can tell which ones and even provide all the files in English. The game will work, but will be missing some translations
05.10.2013 09:26 Guest
What I can not understand a
Freedom Mod, so it tips in the deserts. Clambered all the desert, and now I have to search for Uncle William, this is a glitch or fashion tips still appear?
And Google is not something that would be so voprosets.Mne hint-hint that in such a desert?
Pasib if anyone responds.
03.10.2013 05:16 Guest
Need Retribution Mod 2.5 Why not add it here on the site?
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
Hi! I have not tested it and did not even look. And therefore not added because it does not guarantee a job and not be able to answer questions if they arise.
Just have not got it at hand.
Guest, answer to: Sergey A. Zhukov
Okay, okay, thank you.
Chic resource liked, and now just going through Fall (and then immediately in fol2-restoration project 2.2).
Lyapota :).
19.09.2013 01:58 Guest
found it ...
the answer was in the question

objects.create_item_in_inventory ("ALTER_EGO", ["SET_MUN_LAW"])

objects.create_item_in_inventory ("ALTER_EGO", ["SET_LAW"])
16.09.2013 07:00 FloatWave
I maked map and add it to game but how to show it (on the map)? or something...

And second idea can you write page of item (in knowledge base) their code in console like "SET_POTATO" etc.
15.09.2013 09:56 Guest got it that can I add things to my character?
thanks ahead
let say law luncher or RPG and such ot more backpacks
Development by Sergey A.Zhukov 2007-2012