Guest book

Guest, answer to: Guest
seen only from the merchants listed in the website base
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
As you have said, this grenade launcher found only in sales and only when the fashion Derflinger'a
10.05.2013 10:22 Guest
Trick question - I have a can of gasoline. How to fill the car?
Guest, answer to: Guest
Everything figured out, just move the canister on the car.
06.05.2013 02:02 Guest
Does the "Agility" on the accuracy of the missile weapons?
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
I'm not sure, but it turns out scripts that improves agility:

- Speed
- The protection of
- Silent movement

Although the documentation says that agility increases the chances of getting any weapon except heavy. Increases the chances of burglary, theft and rate of fire. Read more ...
Guest, answer to: Sergey A. Zhukov
I thought that these parameters are influenced by "mobility"
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
Yes, that's right, you're right. I'm confused the dexterity and agility. Dexterity does increase the chances of getting all weapons, except heavy, the chance of breaking and theft, and that the shooting.
05.05.2013 03:40 Guest
how to make mods work in German or English vercion?
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
Mods are made the same way on any version. But it is not always possible to make a modification, which is compatible with different versions of the game. Here documentation in English
Development by Sergey A.Zhukov 2007-2012