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Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Unknown
The file scripts / looking line loot_list
After it is an array of identifiers that remain after the destruction of random searchers. Can you fix that you need to fall out. And if you just remove the loot, you can try to put return in front of the line, with the same indentation (tabom) as the string. It should look like this:
    loot_list = [
15.03.2012 01:54 Unknown
And I'm wondering development and bleeding men on the team. I play the most difficult level. Already a week has again started to play and has reached the Casa Verde. 6:00 this morning spent cleaning Territory Desert Monks. A biosphere in general have never been able to get through.
15.03.2012 02:24 Unknown
It seems that everything had died: (. A pity: '(... the best site for this game.
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Unknown
But surprisingly, the game is outdated. Realized that I could not answer many questions on the game, decided to beat ... Already on Kopperhille was bored, not enough speakers. Other times, other tastes. We must not only change the balance of the game, but add the dynamics, as it was in the army of Anarchy, not to be bored to run back and forth on the location and something to do with the price. I have two jeeps packed with gear, and buy nothing: (
09.03.2012 03:26 Unknown
Post below - mine. ... Or there can only be reached when no longer be president of such and all the characters 'go ' of the location (after the mission to seize the base of the shadows it seems)?
09.03.2012 03:10 Guest
How to get into the house of Hayes in the very first location? I read that to climb over the fence behind the house. But, damn, I researched where each pixel of the fence around the perimeter. Even the calling context to all sections of the fence (probably all). Nowhere is there any sign that it is possible to climb it. What kind of garbage? This is the last mystery for me in this game ... help.
21.02.2012 03:26 Guest
Ustanavlvayu bony plates in the car Retskulov, click zhuchek-ispolazavat titles are not you? Or I do not understand?
20.02.2012 11:33 Guest
"How do I set bony plates in the car Retskulov? "
The bug appears only if you took the snipers rifle from the sniper guy in the location and then dismissed him. Re-hire him, plant the bug and you can dismiss him again right after the cut-scene.
19.02.2012 08:48 Guest
- "Tell me how to get to the location " Mike Bellinz "- Tiberius location opens in a dialogue with him. " - I can not find this Tiberius, at least tell me who he was, if not the moron that I had already left for the future =)
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
He is the most :) If you do not want to overplay it, try the console command:

set_zone_enabled ( "sqzone_1 ", True)
Development by Sergey A.Zhukov 2007-2012