Guest book

26.07.2014 12:34 Guest
Quest: Living Water: Sect: free woman Olivia.
We talk with a woman tied to a pole (Olivia)

Where to find it?
Guest, answer to: Guest
Already understood this.)
24.07.2014 02:01 Guest
Such a question, if you continue to play with the old set top downloads at Derflinger fashion, how will it behave in the game? Glitches are you?
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
Yes, the likelihood of problems with the game is very high! After installing the mod should start from the beginning of the game!
12.07.2014 12:36 Guest
how to put gas in the vehicle
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
Hi! Drag from inventory directly on the car.
Guest, answer to: Sergey A. Zhukov
did that but the canister is gone and the level of gas in the car is still didnt move does the car needs 2 be empty
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
Checked - dragged a can of gasoline on the car and the level of gasoline rose. Perhaps you are trying to fill the canister with kerosene or canister is empty?
25.06.2014 10:51 Yorik
I wanted to ask about the skill cracker "is trapped in a castle":
- That he is giving what it make sense?
- Do I have to take this skill for further skill "Trap in a castle", which automatically neutralizes trap?
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Yorik
Hi! The fact that the skill "Trap in a castle" only works if the trap is defined. If you do not know, is there a trap or not, the skill does not work! Therefore necessary skill "is trapped in a castle" to make it work "in tandem." First detected trap, then it will automatically be cured. Unless of course I'm not confused :)
Development by Sergey A.Zhukov 2007-2012