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24.05.2012 03:47 Guest
Thank you, but what about the one-same whether it is the president of a game object? (Or is it possible to steal more than once?) And whether there are further along with him his guards?
24.05.2012 02:32 Unknown
In version 1.9-M Russobit one trunk with Calico M900 completely empty ... and indeed several chests in this version does not correspond to the resource cards, some do not, as a weapon.

And with the president in a game five meetings:
1) After the penalty early in the game.
2) After obtaining a passport at the beginning of the game.
3) Next three times, he only appears in the dialog box, which simply 'evaporates ' from the location. For the first time after the showdown with Wesley.
4) On the basis of the Shadows in a very long video shoots in the dialogue-HS and went on a moped.
5) At the end of the game should be (as they say), or fill prisrelit villain face to death. But before this last point, I also could not get even a single time.
24.05.2012 12:55 Guest
Calico in another house, not prizidentskom - big in the chest, and not even locked.
24.05.2012 12:51 Guest
The president himself, after obtaining a passport, and dialogue, not sent to his home and goes completely off the map, so do not even know whether it is necessary to consider this house his home ..
Though I played a lot, but unfortunately did not go beyond the fifth card (all the time there were some reasons for the replay) and the connection with it I have a question: In the story by saying the president is supposed that it still can / will need to meet, but If he leaves, will he do in the game? and whether it is the same object, or the game will create the new president? Vsmysle whether it can be (and the protection that goes with it) had been robbed twice: first game and then. ?
Guest, answer to: Guest
The second time they simply steal nothing.
BrainRipper, answer to: Guest
The President and the guard player will meet again after Spiritsprings and can Rob them. But if we have been robbed, their inventory will be empty. And only earlier if the thief has no talent "inside pockets", and now is, when re-stealing will get a random item.
24.05.2012 12:39 Unknown
I was also interested. In one of the guidelines, even passage is written, that should definitely get into this house and take the Calico M900 (written, that climb over the fence behind the house). Apparently, this is a pirate can be done, because he can not fence climbeth in no place in my version (1.9-M Russobit without Derfflinger `a). Or get into the game files and there is something to hide (for example, one section of the fence) ... or replaced with one that you can climb. Here at the location of base shadows, too, such a fence, but if you turn off the generator on a hill near the 'athletic fields ', it can climb. How do I replace? For the beginning of the game Calico M900 is actually a very useful thing, and a leather helmet can not hurt.
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Unknown
I do not insist, I just could not find how to get there.
24.05.2012 02:54 Guest
okay ... but then how do we know that there is at yashikah??
Someone there is sure to climb or to scripts
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
The data are taken when analyzing the game and scripts can be quite wrong. So it is difficult to take into account the dynamic changes associated with the patches and stuff. Yes, and different versions of the game and the mods to it too well.
Development by Sergey A.Zhukov 2007-2012