Anyone know where I can find a list of console commands (cheats) for the game? Also is it possible to use some of the NPC's clothing through said console commands?
Guest, answer to:
Guest Ok nvm I figured this out but now after having altered my party's appearances with the console commands, my game crashes with E_FAIL: An undetermined error occurred every time I load that save, any way of fixing this or do I just restart without altering anything?
I play with the patch, but bugs still happen. Can't debug the quest at all? only through save?
NeiroN, answer to:
Guest Can. You must set the correct values
NeiroN, answer to:
Guest This is where it can take a long time. There is a telegram group:
NeiroN, answer to:
Guest This is where it can take a long time. There is a telegram group:
Ran into a problem in the Garden of Eden quest with Abraham. For some reason, his group, when they appear in a location, stands still and does not follow the player's group. Can I somehow restart or debug this quest? He became unfulfilled.
BrainRipper, answer to:
Guest Are you playing without the unofficial patch?
Good morning, guys. Again, it's not clear to me. objects.create_item_in_inventory("ALTER_EGO",10*["SET_AMMOPACK_2_12_QB_8"]) What am I writing wrong, is it reinforced 2"12 cal.?