Guest book

12.06.2012 03:47 Guest
Three times passed this location. At the first visit of Victor fired, hired Keno (sniper), passed all the side quests (which took no less than a day of playing time), and then later went on the attack drug labs. The emergence of drug watched car every morning, no glitches were not, including a bus.
But here butulku alcohol ( I did not get to collect - in the assembly lost all subjects, except for watering, and alcohol does not appear ...
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
When was the last time outplayed in the game, a bottle of liquor was going without any problems. Need a high level of skill to do it.
Guest, answer to: Sergey A. Zhukov
I have the same problem "But butulku alcohol ( I did not get to collect - when building lost all items, except for watering, and alcohol does not appear ... " Skill 100
BrainRipper, answer to: Guest
Because you have to Repack the files and combos.pyc broken.
10.06.2012 10:29 Guest
I see you still did not updated the FAQ with the reason for the Casa Verde drug car. Indeed, cheats work but some people don't like to cheat.
So the bug appears when you hire the sniper guy from the village, take his sniper rifle and dismiss the guy.
The solution without cheats - rehire the sniper guy. The drug car will appear and you can dismiss him ASAP.
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
Thanks for the reminder. But so far failed to verify your version to the Russian game. As soon as the check as a Russian version of the game the same error, be sure to update the FAQ. Thank you again!
10.06.2012 02:26 Guest
Guys, the site is just a plague! helps a lot, go through the game I do not remember what time) Thank you, ogromneschee!
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: Guest
Thanks for the tip! I am glad that there are still fans of the game!
04.06.2012 09:05 FixMAN
Thank you so much! I decided my problem)))
Sergey A. Zhukov, answer to: FixMAN
Please :)
Development by Sergey A.Zhukov 2007-2012